State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic Slovak Caves Administration
Štátna ochrana prírody

Closing the caves

The Slovak Caves Administration as a specialized organization of the nature protection is responsible for cave protection and prevention against damaging the natural karst phenomena underground and related karst features on the surface. The subject of protection is not only chemical fill of the cave, but also animals living underground, archaeological and palaeontological findings, underground waters etc. Closing the cave entrances belongs among the most effective methods of practical care for caves.

Slovak Caves Administration closes the most threatened and valuable caves every year. The priority is set according to the level of attacks, vulnerability and occurrence of natural or cultural and historical values in caves within the amount of finances for particular year. Prevailing part of new cave closures and gates is made of firm thick metals with surface anticorrosive finishing and special closing mechanism.

Overview of closed caves during 2002 - 2005:

Year of closing Cave Geomorphological unit Description
2002 Liskovská Cave Chočské podhorie New closure
Suchá Cave Veľká Fatra New closure
Perlová Cave Veľká Fatra New closure
Nová brzotínska Cave Slovenský kras New closure
Cave of Slnečný lúč Nízke Tatry New closure
Milada Cave Slovenský kras Repair of old closure
Hrušovská Cave Slovenský kras New closure
Pavúčia Cave Nízke Tatry Repair of closure
Pustá Cave Nízke Tatry New closure
Caves in Kapusta Adit Slovenské rudohorie Construction of safety wall and closure
Domica end of II. Plavba Slovenský kras New closure
Ardovská Cave Slovenský kras Repair of closure
2003 Čachtická Cave Malé Karpaty New closure
Veľké Prepadlé Malé Karpaty New closure
Sedmička Cave Malé Karpaty Repair of closure
Plavecká Abyss Malé Karpaty New closure
Kečovské lúky Slovenský kras New closure
Matilda Cave Slovenský kras Repair of closure
Matilda Cave Slovenský kras Repair of closure
Pískavého Jana Cave Bystrická vrchovina New closure
Malofatranská medvedia Malá Fatra New closure
Malofatranská medvedia Malá Fatra New closure
Otcova Cave Strážovské vrchy New closure
Dúpna diera Strážovské vrchy New closure
Tmavá skala Malé Karpaty Repair of closure
Pieskový potok Horehronské podolie New closure
Brestovská Cave Západné Tatry Repair of closure
Okno Cave Nízke Tatry Repair of closure
Kryštálova Cave Malá Fatra Repair of closure
Demänovská Cave of Peace Nízke Tatry Repair of closure
Poschodová Abyss Strážovské vrchy New closure
Liskovská – upper entrance Chočské podhorie New closure
Stará garda Malé Karpaty Repair of closure
Četníkova svadba Strážovské vrchy New closure
Belianska Cave – upper entrance Belianske Tatry Repair of closure
Zápoľná Kozie chrbty New closure
Milada – discovery entrance Slovenský kras Closing of discovery entrance
Lupočská nora Ostrôžky Fencing the abyss
Majkova Cave Slovenský kras New closure
2004 Záskočie – upper entrance Nízke tatry Repair of closure
Brestovská Cave Západné Tatry New closure
Cave of studený vietor Nízke Tatry New closure
Javorinská medvedia Cave Veľká Fatra New closure
Halašova jama Nízke Tatry New closure
Halašova jama Nízke Tatry New closure
Halašova jama Nízke Tatry New closure
Vlčie jamy Malé Karpaty Repair of closure
Môcovská Cave Nízke Tatry New closure
Žiarna 2 Veľká Fatra New closure
U diery Nízke Tatry New closure
Májová Abyss Strážovské vrchy Repair of closure
Jánošíkova Cave Strážovské vrchy New closure
Veterlínska sonda Malé Karpaty Fencing the abyss
Bauxitová jama Strážovské vrchy Fencing the abyss
Líščia Cave Nízke Tatry New closure
Priepadlá Važecky kras New closure
Nová stanišovská Cave Nízke Tatry New closure
Liskovská Cave – main entrance Chočske podhorie Repair of closure
Liskovská Cave – main entrance Chočské podhorie Repair of closure
Točište 15 Nízke Tatry New closure
Cave no. 27 Nízke Tatry New closure
Psie diery Slovenský raj Repair of closure
Ardovská Cave Slovenský kras New closure
Šingliarova Abyss Slovenský kras New closure
Teplica Muránska planina New closure
Cave na Rúbani Strážovské vrchy New closure
Cave of Stratený potok Muránska planina New closure
Burda Cave Drienčanský kras Repair of closure
Ľadová jama in Muráni Muránska planina Fencing the abyss
Čertova Cave Muránska planina Repair of closure
2005 Džimova spása Považský Inovec New closure
Stará poľana Nízke Tatry New closure
Jubilejná Cave Malé Karpaty New closure
Deravá skala Malé Karpaty New closure
Haviareň Malé Karpaty New closure
Havranická Cave Malé Karpaty New closure
Havran Považský Inovec Reconstruction
Viežka Strážovské vrchy New closure
Drienka Bystrická vrchovina New closure
Pružinská Dúpna Cave Strážovské vrchy New closure
Demänovská medvedia Cave Nízke Tatry New closure
Cave in Okolíku Západné Tatry New closure
Cave in Pastierňa Muráňska planina New closure
Michňová Abyss Suché doly Reconstruction
Špaňopoľská Cave Železnícke predhorie New closure
Drienovská Cave Slovenský kras New closure
Jaskyňa pod Spišskou   New closure
Dem. jaskynný systém, jaskyňa Mieru, Mramorové riečisko Nízke Tatry Reconstruction

Domica closed

Dear visitors, the Domica cave  will be closed on 22nd of May 2025  due to operational reasons. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Domica zatvorená

Vážení návštevníci, jaskyňa Domica bude dňa 22.5.2025 z prevádzkových dôvodov po celý deň pre verejnosť zatvorená. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Card payment - recommendation

Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that due to the technical conditions of payment terminals, there may be situations when card payment will not be possible. For this reason, we recommend that you have an adequate amount of cash available if you want to be sure that you will be able to visit the cave. Thank you for understanding.

Parking at Demänovská Cave of Liberty

Dear visitors, the parking lot doesn't belong to cave administration. The fees are collected by different entity. Thank you for your understanding.

Cave visit with small children

Dear visitors, due to increased visitation of parents with very small children (circa up to 3 - 4 years of age), we would like to kindly ask you to have a rucksack baby carrier with you for visiting the more demanding caves in given time. This recommendation concerns all caves but the most concerned are the following ones: Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Belianska Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Demänovská Ice Cave, Harmanecká Cave. We also ask you to consider visiting the cave with your crying child, which could disturb the other visitors. Thank you for understanding and we wish you a nice experience.


Správa jeskyní České republikyInternational Show Caves AssociationHabakukyZajo