State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic Slovak Caves Administration
Štátna ochrana prírody

Protection of ice caves

proceedings of vocational conferenceIce Caves Protection

Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa, September 21 – 22, 1995

Editor: Pavel Bella

© Slovak Caves Administration, Hodžova 11, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, 1995, Published by Knižné centrum, publishing house, Predmestská 51, 010 01 Žilina, Print: Edičné stredisko VŠDS Žilina, ISBN 80-88723-23-X


List of participants

Dobšinská ice cave and the system of stratenská cave

  • J. Hlaváč: Evaluation of research activities and use of the Dobšinská Ice Cave, perspectives of its protection and development
  • J. Géczy – Ľ. Kucharič: Determining the thickness of ice fill in selected places of the Dobšinská Ice Cave
  • J. Tulis – L. Novotný: Partial report on morphometric parameters in ice filled parts of the Dobšinská Ice Cave
  • M. Bobro – J. Hančuľák – J. Zelinka: Present microclimatic settings in the Dobšinská Ice Cave
  • M. Bobro – F. Krepelka – J. Zelinka: Reconstruction of the entrance space to the Dobšinská Ice Cave in relation to ice loss
  • L. Novotný: About the age of the Stratenská Cave system
  • J. Tulis: State of examination of the Stratenská Cave system
  • K. Székely: On the first pictures of the Dobšinská Ice Cave (pictures and paintings, photographs, postcards)

Ice caves in slovakia

  • J. Jakál: Ice caves of middle mountains and high mountaings, geomorphic and microclimatic comparison
  • P. Bella: Overview and distribution of ice filled caves in Slovakia
  • Z. Hochmuth: Ice monoliths in the abysses in Slovakia
  • J. Bárta: Assistance of archaeology in dating the ice formation of the Silická ľadnica

Theory and methodology

  • Š. Roda – L. Rajman – J. Ščuka: Thermodynamic regime of caves from the view of their possible glaciation
  • Š. Roda – L. Rajman – J. Ščuka: Monitoring system of cave enviromental parameters

Domica zatvorená

Vážení návštevníci, jaskyňa Domica bude dňa 22.5.2025 z prevádzkových dôvodov po celý deň pre verejnosť zatvorená. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Card payment - recommendation

Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that due to the technical conditions of payment terminals, there may be situations when card payment will not be possible. For this reason, we recommend that you have an adequate amount of cash available if you want to be sure that you will be able to visit the cave. Thank you for understanding.

Demänovská jaskyňa slobody - long tour reopened from 1st July 2024

Dear visitors,

after a longer period we reopen the long tour in the Demänovska Cave of Liberty from the 1st of July 2024. The tour is open once a day at 13:15 from June to August (3 months) and at 13:00 during the rest of the opening days. Number of visitors is limited, the tour is demanding, with many steps and it takes more than one and a half hours. Cave temperature is around 7°C whole year round. We are looking forward to your visit. 

Cave visit with small children

Dear visitors, due to increased visitation of parents with very small children (circa up to 3 - 4 years of age), we would like to kindly ask you to have a rucksack baby carrier with you for visiting the more demanding caves in given time. This recommendation concerns all caves but the most concerned are the following ones: Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Belianska Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Demänovská Ice Cave, Harmanecká Cave. We also ask you to consider visiting the cave with your crying child, which could disturb the other visitors. Thank you for understanding and we wish you a nice experience.

Cave tour guides for download

Dear visitors, cave tour guides are available for download


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